Video Licks: Watch Natalie Palamides as Hallmark Mascot MAXINE

Are you familiar with that lanky curmudgeon that’s been the patron saint of Hallmark for who knows how long? You know, MAXINE! Watch as this new web series, created by UCB’s Natalie Palamides and Drew Spears, brings the cranky old timer to life. We’ve selected the choicest episodes for you to brighten your day! ENJOY Hallmark Presents MAXINE by Hallmark! (WARNING: NSFW moments with the elderly. Also, don’t engage in an life-threatening exercise regimes like Maxine, ffs!)

Hallmark Presents MAXINE by Hallmark: Unfriending – Remember the old days when there was no social media?

Hallmark Presents MAXINE by Hallmark: Martini Supplies – Celebrate “Back to School” with a drink

Hallmark Presents MAXINE by Hallmark: Crossfit – Sometimes exercising is Russian roulette.

Mentions: Watch more episodes of Hallmark Presents MAXINE by Hallmark HERE. You’ll never see car repair, sex life, burglar alarms, laundry and flip flops the same way AGAIN.