Quick Dish: PARTY IN THE BACK for 4.20 at New California Barbershop in Echo Park

Ready to get your funny on this fine 4.20 evening. Then head on over to the New California Barbershop in Echo Park for the true celebratory experience called PARTY IN THE BACK. There will lots of love, candy, drinks and memories to take in. Your comedy guests for the evening include

Jessica Sele
Myke Wright
Joe Kilgallon
Jenn Scott
Faith C. Hoyce

and OF COURSE your party makers

Kate Willett, Casey Ley & Trevor Hill
the music of Rachel Lark (Savage Love Podcast)

Party on!

Mentions: Party 8pm. Comedy 8:30pm. FREE! New California Barbershop is located at 2203 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.