Quick Dish: A New Stand-Up Show TONIGHT 5.24 in Koreatown

New Stand-Up Show

Strap in because TONIGHT is going to be one crazy laugh ride! Join host Josh Fadem (Better Call Saul) & friends for “frenetic frivolty” at A NEW STAND-UP SHOW. El Salvadorian food and cocktails in Koreatown is exactly what you need this overcast Tuesday evening at The Copper Still. Your lineup includes these perfectly delightful humans:

Emma Willmann
Deirdre Devlin
Leonard Robinson
Nat Baimel
Amber Preston
Rick Shapiro
& more!!

with DJ Denver Smith

Always new, always a laugh riot!

Mentions: Show 8pm. FREE!!! The Copper Still Bar is located at 4485 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004.