Quick Dish: A NEW STAND UP SHOW Tonight 6.7 at The Copper Still

stand up

After a hard day of getting your political primary groove on, head to A NEW STAND UP SHOW for some major giggle & chill. Your guest comedy cheerleader Megan Gailey will lead the way through “LA’s untamed expanse of comics, characters, weirdos, rogues and degenerates.” With a platano frito and cocktil in hand, you will see

Asif Ali
Dominic Dierkes
Kevin Yee
Kathleen DeRose
Jeffrey Baldinger
& more!

with DJ Denver Smith

Won’t you feel proud once you’ve voted, tipped a bartender and laughed at all the stupendous jokes? You bet!

Mentions: Show 8pm. FREE!!! The Copper Still Bar is located at 4485 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004.