Quick Dish NY: Get Connected with LET’S MAKE A WEBSITE 3.23 at UCBT Chelsea


These days if you don’t have a website to market your brand, who are you really?? NOBODY!!! Luckily, there are experts to help out a person, such as yourself. Now you n00bs can find out what this website building it all about. Thursday, March 23rd at UCBT Chelsea in New York, the possibly narcissistic “rock-star computer programmer,” Mark Vigeant, will be taking audience suggestions to build and launch a brand spanking new original website LIVE onstage. Yes, LET’S MAKE A WEBSITE has arrived! The world wide web better watch itself, kids. 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101…


Mentions: Show 8pm. Buy Let’s Make A Website tix HERE! UCBT Chelsea is located 307 W. 26th St New York. This show is directed by Matt Gehring. Special thanks to Kevin J Dolan for no particular reason.