Video Licks: Technology Rears It’s Ugly Head in The Dark Comedy Sketch PAPERCLIP SUICIDE

Duh Productions

What does it mean exactly when the Echo pipes up half way through watching this video? It means technology is terrifying!!! In this new video, written by Teri Jo Rask, we find that depression and word processing can be a lethal cocktail. Honestly, we never did like that obnoxious MS word paperclip character. Enjoy the very dark humor of Paperclip Suicide! (WARNING: This vid will definitely clash with your Bobby McFerrin tunes.)

This video was brought to you by Duh Productions and Coalition of the Chillin.’ The sketch was directed/produced by Curtis Endicott and Teri Jo Rask. The cast includes Timmy L’Heureux and Teri Jo Rask.

Mentions: Watch more content from Teri Jo Rask HERE! Always seek help if you’re feeling blue, kids.