Video Licks: Delight in JAMES ACASTER’S Stand Up Apricot Routine on CONAN


Kids, you survived the longest day of the year. Good job! Too bad it’s still hot as hell! Luckily, we still have cool drinks, tasty fruits, and uplifting comedy to keep us going this summer. JAMES ACASTER, world class British comedian with a record breaking 5 consecutive nominations for ‘Best Comedy Show’ at the 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 Edinburgh Fringe Festivals, gave us some winning stand up yesterday on CONAN. Watch as he sings the praises of ready-to-eat apricots, talks about the upsides of solo punch drinking and staying tipsy, questions the “mixed fruit flavor” of Dr. Pepper, and gives the audience an unexpected twist to the set. Enjoy!

Mentions: Watch CONAN weeknights 11/10c on TBS. Check out James Acaster’s upcoming gigs and projects HERE!