Video Licks: “Catching Up” Isn’t Helping in New Episode of DEPRESSED

Think of a horrific video chat moment. Who would it be with? A high school “friend” you didn’t want to talk to, of course! *Shudders* Now add the fact that your pal is now an entertainment lawyer who wants to tell you all about his travels to the far east and downplay your depression struggles. Yes, a few good mantra pdfs will certainly make the whole experience so much better! Catching up can be a bad thing. Hair pulling time! Enjoy a new episode of Nadia Osman’s DEPRESSED!

Depressed: Catching Up from Nadia Osman on Vimeo.

This episode was directed by Greg Smith, written by Nadia Osman, and stars Yesel “Yak” Manrique & Nadia Osman.

Mentions: Watch more episodes of Depressed HERE!