Video Licks: In A New Episode of Garbage Farts’ BUSINESS OFFICE Romance Is in The Air

Garbage Farts (Drew Luster & Michael Muntner) brings their own spin to the sitcom recipe in a new episode of BUSINESS OFFICE. When we last left our company pals Nick & Jerry, they were getting to know one another a little better after Jerry found himself stranded and in need of a place to stay. This time there’s healthy snacks to be had as Jerry find himself in the crosshairs of married employee’s admiration. Will an office romance bloom? (Also, Jerry’s kid is a bit of a pill). Yikes! Watch Episode 3 this instant!

This episode features Ali McGhee.

Mentions: Watch previous episode of Business Office at Comedy Cake. Follow Garbage Farts on Twitter! Follow Muntner & Luster on Ig.