Video Licks: JILL BARTLETT Presents ‘A Mother’s Guide to Quarantining!’


Because time is an illusion at this point in the pandemic game, I have a belated Mother’s Day video for you from writer/actor Jill Bartlett (Pump and Dump Show). Since most mom are inclined to keep a positive attitude, Jill reminds us that (when all else fails) mother can put together a list of accomplishments to keep tabs on all the good work you’ve done thus far. Some of the things Jilly has been up to during this world crisis include: exercise, going Kondo, family time, meditation, storytime, partner intimacy, journaling, cooking, baking and, of course, gardening. Stay safe by making your own list right now! Enjoy A Mother’s Guide to Quarantining!

Mentions: Follow Jill on F/B, Twitter, & Instagram.