Video Licks: Pammy Makes A “De-Stress Mess” on A New IT TAKES A PINK-EYE VILLAGE:

We’re elbow-deep in back-to-school season and poor Pammy is already feeling the Pink-Eye Village school bus driver stress. Can you blame her? Luckily, there are ways to ease the scholastic strife. Perhaps dabbling in horticulture, true crime dramas, home fragrance, and the weighted blanket craze will calm those Pammy nerves. If all else fails, to the spirit cabinet we go! Enjoy De-Stress Mess!

It Takes a Pink-Eye Village is brought to you by the unfailingly funny Matt S. McCormick.

Mentions: Watch more It Take a Pink-Eye Village HERE. If you are in Flagstaff, catch Matt at the BIG PINE COMEDY FESTIVAL Sept 19-22nd!