Quick Dish NY: ‘BLOOD IN THE WATER Queens Drag Sharks’ to Chum This Friday 7.26 at Caveat


You know you all love Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week.” I mean, who wouldn’t be obsessed with those ancient predators of the deep with the dead black eyes, and prominent dorsal fin?! Well, THIS Friday, July 26 at Caveat, NYC’s top Drag Queens will take the stage to celebrate “the ocean’s saltiest creatures.” Yes, MIKE KELTON will host Blood in The Water, where cutthroat queens are paired with shark experts to to “drag sharks to chum.” Oh my! Those beasts of the deep better be worried! Your Shark Week-inspired roast will include:

Kiko Soiree

Ms. Golden Delicious

Junior Mint

with Experts: Kim Diaz (NY Sea Shepherds), Joshua Drew (Drew Labs), & Ethan Angelica (NYC Aquarium)

Get ready for the feeding frenzy, kids!

Mentions: Doors: 9:00pm Show: 9:30pm. $15 in advance, $20 at the door. 21+. Caveat is located at 21 A Clinton Street, Manhattan.