Video Licks: Three New Episodes of ASTRONOMY CLUB Streaming at Comedy Central

Comedy Central

Relax, there won’t be a test afterwards. Comedy Central has three fresh, new episodes of the digital series ASTRONOMY CLUB for you to stream this fine weekend! The sketch team of Shawtane Bowen, Jonathan Braylock, Raymond Cordova, Caroline Martin, Jerah Milligan, Monique Moses, James III, and Keisha Zollar is offering up some wildly funny sketches that include competitive family card playing, flirting on slave ships, and bargain basement funeral home hospitality. Enjoy!

Astronomy Club – “World Series of Spades” (WARNING: fighting words)

Live from a family barbecue in Jamaica, Queens, announcers Tuck Speed & Morgan Freeman (not the famous actor) bringing you highlights from a backyard family gathering. Let the sh*t talk fly and the nosey neighbors be kept at bay. This event is, of course, sponsored by Auntie Ray’s deviled eggs. Yum!

Astronomy Club – “Dying of Thirst” (WARNING: hungry vermin and heavy flirting)

Even in the worst of situations, there’s at least one guy that can’t read the room. Let the flirting begin!

Astronomy Club – “Dookie’s Funeral Home” (WARNING: “Dolences” have consequences.)

Leave it to Dr. Denzel Dookie, the owner of a morally questionable funeral home, to prey on grieving mourners in their time of need. Martevous would have wanted it that way.

Mentions: Watch previous episodes of Astronomy Club HERE.