Video Licks: Who Is The Real Victim of This NEVER SAD ZoomBomb?


With the dawn of a new age, came the emergence of technology that helped us communicate so much better. You just KNEW it would be minutes before the revelatory livestream meeting experience of Zoom would be hijacked by nefarious elements. In this new video from NeverSad we find a corporate meeting being interrupted by a ZoomBomber. “What is that?” you may ask. It’s basically an online troll taking advantage of a screensharing feature to blast other viewers with the awful video and mayhem. However, this time it looks like the bomber’s input is more appreciated than one might think. Enjoy You Just Got ZOOMBOMBED! (WARNING: NSFW because of untoward ZoomBomb language. You don’t say?)

NeverSad is Jed Feiman and Nehemiah Markos. This sketch also features Jeremy Kaplowitz, Laura Merli, and one name Priya.

Mentions: Watch more NeverSad hilarity on Comedy Cake and elsewhere. Follow NeverSad on Instagram.