INTERNET EXPLORERS is the monthly comedy show that investigates “tech trends, wins and foibles” with your tech savvy host Mark Vigeant and a bevy of comedians and industry professionals. This Friday at Caveat, Internet Explorers examines the bustling world of INFLUENCERS. From a distance it may seems like they’ve been blessed with the luck of being able to make a career from posts on social media (shower me with Birkin bags, please), but Mark and his band of investigators will uncover what is takes to be so successful and influential, while leaving an indelible mark on society. Mark’s guests will include

Tim Jeffreys, influencer expert and director of marketing at Fohr
Comedian Sally Burtnick
& a panel of REAL influencers (Nicole Loher, Lauren Caruso, Angelique Miles, and Miss Yanyi) talking about the industry!
PLUS Mark’s bffs Sam Reece and Rollie Williams, with live music by Darren Solomon
You will finally get answers to questions like, “Who are they? What do they do? Are they the hardest workers in the “gig economy?” Finally! Don’t miss out on this laugh-filled and educational event!

Mentions: Doors 6:30 PM, show 7:00 PM. Tickets $10 in advance, $12 at the door. 21+. Caveat is located at 21 A Clinton Street, Manhattan, (212)228-2100. You can see the entire event for free on the Web, on Mark’s YouTube channel at Highlights from previous shows are available at and