Video Licks: Dru Johnston’s Customer Service Confidence Game Does A 180 in UCB-IRL


I recently caught this Fusion Comedy vid on the good ole Facebook and thought it was funny, charming and highly educational. A trifecta of goodness! For some of us the world can be just a slight bit intimidating. Yes, not everyone is born with blazing assertiveness like you. According to this UCB-IRL episode, 71% of the US population is under assertive. Yikes! Watch as NY writer, improviser and comedian Dru Johnston (The Chris Gethard Show, UCB) enlists the help of some overly confident “Pick-Up Artists” to improve his customer service interaction game. If you thought you never had to hear the words “negging” and “peakcocking” again, you were wrong. Get confident with Customer Service Pickup Artist!

Mentions: Watch more UCB-IRL at Fusion Comedy.