Video Licks: This SOREN & JOLLES And CELLULOID SIMPLE Collab Finds The Comedic Truth in A “Web of Lies”

Soren & Jolles

An insightful Scot once said “Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Indeed, those words hold true when we think about modern relationships. In this new video from Soren & Jolles in conjunction with Celluloid Simple, we find some former lovers hell bent on impressing the other for an untimely meeting. Of course, one small lie snowballs in to a WEB OF LIES, as it should. Enjoy!

This sketch stars Jessie Jolles, Lianna Nielsen, Joe Cilio, and Alex Ramsey.

Mentions: Watch more Soren & Jolles content HERE. Also, please check out Celluloid Simple’s work.