Video Licks: One Goal but SO Many ‘Distractions’ in a New Episode of DEPRESSED

Keep your eye on the prize and everything else will fall into place, right? Not always. In a new episode of the mental health friendly series, DEPRESSED, we find Nadia (Nadia Osman) in a state of ‘Depression Brain’ where she finds it incredibly difficult to focus on the task at hand. Will she be able to get some writing done amid the endless stream of overdue bills, wedding invites, non-profit donations, the ASPCA, social media, and oh heavens, Panera!!!? Watch and find out! Enjoy Distractions!

This series was directed by Greg Smith, written by Nadia Osman, and stars Osman and Dennis Curlett.

Mentions: Watch more of the series on Comedy Cake or HERE, your choice!