Hey adult kids, it’s time to have some fun indoors. Come out to Logan’s Run in Brooklyn TONIGHT for another savage night of hilarity in Park Slope. Your SAVAGE COMEDY hosts, Lizzie Martinez, Melissa Rocha, Nonye Brown-West, and Chloé Chunha, will welcome NYC’s funniest comedy notables to a Brooklyn Bar basement, complete with actual windows. The comics you will be laughing with include:
Carmen Lagala (Colbert)
Sabeen Sadiq (Code Switched)
Avery Mason (Power Starz)
Anna Roisman (HQ Trivia)
and Harrison Greenbaum (Conan)!
BONUS: RSVP for a chance to win FREE drinks!
Don’t miss out on life before Daylight Savings time weekend!

Mentions: Show 8pm ET. Show $FREE, reserve HERE. Location: Logan’s Run |
375a 5th Ave, Brooklyn. Give the show a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.