Video Licks: That Pivotal ‘Lady and The Tramp’ Moment Just Got Messier

You know the one. Remember that furry couple sitting down to a delicious spaghetti dinner? Well, what if you replaced that meal with some less romantic food (plus humans)? Enjoy TheGunfordmay’s 10 Bad Foods For Lady & The Tramp! (WARNING: Ewww)

The cast includes Paul Du’pree & Casey Schuckett (Parmesan Cheese Couple), Natalie D’Alacio & Griffin Gundle (Cinnamon Rolls Couple), Brooke Trantor & Kate Morgan Chadwick (Gluten Free Pizza Couple), Kasey Needham & Rachael Lawson (Alfalfa Sprouts Couple), Jason McNichols & Deanne Buckman (Corn Couple), Jessie Sherman & Zach Dulin (Watermelon Couple), Vince Massi & Anthony Martin (Tin Foil Couple), Kitten Kay Sera & her dog (Roast Beef Couple), Courtney Fridley & Todd Risenmay (Corn Dog Couple), and Kevin Stafford & Darla Jaffe (Chocolate Syrup).

Mentions: Watch more of TheGunfordmay HERE. Check them out at Second City Hollywood.