Video Licks: Is Gluten Intolerance Real or Fake? You Decide.

The holiday buffet table must be a real hellish landscape for the gluten intolerant, right? All the bloating, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, migraines, and worse must be stopped! But first, the real debate must be taken to the highest powers that be. Enjoy Gluten Intolerance: Real or Fake!

Gluten Intolerance was written/created by Simply Unemployable (Richie Moriarty & Matt Catanzano). It stars Richie Moriarty, Matt Catanzano, Juanita Howard, and Peter Kelly. The episode also features Elyse Brandau, Dave Ebert, Patrick North, Takako Haywood, DJ Williams, and Eleah Burman.

Mentions: Watch more hilarity at Above Average.