Video Licks: You’ll leave a BIG tip For The NEW Mini-Series The Honest Waitress


Producer Jorja Hudson and creator/writer/star Leila Graham just released their first mini-series The Honest Waitress on PITtv and we find it all kinds of funny. The delightful series satirizes the real life experiences of working in the restaurant industry. Watch these five episodes and you’ll want to re-think that server job again. Also, if you’ve ever been to a restaurant you are sure to have witnessed incidents similar to these (and, hopefully, you are not anything like these trying customers). Enjoy!

The Honest Waitress: Menu – A customer just can’t get his head wrapped around the concept of ordering from the menu.

The Honest Waitress: Lemons – An incredibly demanding customer tries this server’s patience. Oy!

The Honest Waitress: Ignored – This poor waitress just can’t get the attention of her customers

The Honest Waitress: Europe – Uh oh, some foreigners are in town and they need a lesson in the custom of tipping.

The Honest Waitress: The Soda – This dude is milking the soda refills for all they’re worth.

Mentions: Look for even more hilarity at PITtv.