Video Licks: Cartoon Character Cathy Comes To Life in CATHY IRL

Earlier this year the long running comic strip Cathy was set out to pasture. Yep, 34 years of food, love and marriage jokes just did not stand the test of time. Watch as the true chocoholic Cathy comes to life in this web series starring Susan Sassi which satirizes those cliche female stereotypes embraced in the comic strip. Ack! Ack! Ack! Enjoy Cathy IRL!

Cathy IRL Ep. 1 – Cathy’s Cartoon is Canceled! Ack!: Cathy becomes a feminist

Cathy IRL Ep. 2 – Cathy Tackles Her Shopping Obsession: Cathy’s gal pals teach her self control

Cathy IRL Ep. 3 – Cathy Tackles Her Eating Habits (and a hot dog): Cathy sings and really wants a date with a cheesesteak hogue.

Cathy IRL Ep. 4 – Cathy Tackles Healthy Self-Image: “Covering shame at the speed of light is Cathy’s superpower”

Cathy IRL Ep 5 – Cathy Tackles Co-Dependance with Irving: “Me, my man and a pizza.”

Cathy IRL Ep 6 – Cathy Tackles Standing Up To Her Mother: We find out where Cathy gets her personality from.

Mentions: Check out the series outtakes HERE. Cathy IRL also stars Kate Huffman as Charlene, Nicole Yvonne as Andrea, and Jeremy Briggs as Irving.