Video Licks: ‘If Christmas & Chanukah Were People’ They’d be SOREN & JOLLES

This is the season folks celebrate the sacred festivals of Christmas and Chanukah. They share some traditions like the symbolic use of light, for instance. However, they can also be very different. Comedy team Soren & Jolles have re-imagined these holidays as real live people. Now who would you hang out with? Enjoy! (WARNING: Much mirth and tinsel)

This video stars Tracy Soren as Christmas, Jessie Jolles as Chanukah, Amanda Smith, Evan Altshuler, Joanna Brenner, Ben Solomon, Glorilis Tavarez, Andra Passen, Jessica Giannone and Jackie Muñoz.

Mentions: Get festive with more sketch from Soren & Jolles. Follow the duo on Twitter.