Video Licks: The Official Trailer For ‘National Donut Day: The Movie’


Happy National Donut Day! It’s the best day of the year! Do you think you could slip The Cookie Monster a donut without him noticing? That’s something to ponder. You can’t have a donut day without an accompanying movie so here’s the “official” trailer for a flick that really captures a quirky confectionary-fueled romance. Enjoy the rom-com National Donut Day: The Movie from Sorta Kosher! Click image to view. (WARNING: NSFW & also a waste of a perfectly good donut)


Trailer written by Anna Roisman & Robbie Sokolowsky. The cast includes James Coker, Anna Roisman, Drew Freed, Anna Callegari, Julia Wiedeman, Leslie Meisel, Gregory Littley, Lauren Clark, Megan Kingsbury, Rachel Arac, Gaya Rajagopalan and Jake Hyland.

Mentions: Watch more Sorta Kosher content HERE.