Video Licks: Watch New DOCUPROV Mokumentary “HandBallin’ and Love” at PITtv


If you pray at the Christopher Guest mokumentary alter, then you are going to be totally on board with PITtv’s weekly show DOCUPROV. PIT is delivering a completely new mockumentary each week and today they’ve unleashed one about couples sports leagues. Watch as the camera follows married couple Gary and Susan before their match in the Brooklyn One Wall American Handball League. Their number one fan is their adopted son, who just might be a handy replacement for their beloved cat Kombucha. Enjoy HandBallin’ and Love!

This mockumentary was created by Mark Stetson and Sammy Hutchison and stars Sammy Hutchison, Mark Stetson, Liberty Zambrano, and Jen Clark.

Mentions: Watch more hilarity at PITtv online. For live performance schedule in NY go HERE.