Video Licks: DANIEL SLOSS Reveals His Funny & Possibly Sociopathic Thoughts on CONAN


If Conan O’Brien tells you you’re a sociopath, doesn’t it have to be true. UK Comedian DANIEL SLOSS made yet another stand-up appearance (his 7th?, don’t quote me on that) on CONAN yesterday and it was as darkly humorous as they come. Sloss questions those who don’t possess that evil voice in the back of your head that tell you do and say awful stuff. The comedian hones in on his personal thoughts about tripping an innocent child with an ice cream cone, as well as making your beloved (who you’ve fall out of love with) go away. Again, sociopath? You be the judge. (WARNING: Never listen to the Stewie from Family Guy in your head.)

Mentions: Watch CONAN weeknights 11/10c on TBS. Follow Sloss on the social.