Video Licks: NEVER Say What’s On Your Mind in “A Suppressed Place”

Brent Pella

If you loved the chilling thriller “A Quiet Place,” then you will equally love this parody trailer where people live in fear from expressing their thoughts and opinions in public. AGREE WITH ME! Never dislike a movie with a great Rotten Tomatoes rating. Never dislike the food that I love. And for Pete’s Sake, don’t express your differing opinion from the horde. The punishment is brutal. Enjoy A Suppressed Place! This message will self-destruct in 3, 2, 1…

This trailer was brought to you by Brent Pella. The cast include Pella, Morgan Jay, Jacquie Alberto, Tim DeLaMotte, and Pat Quinn.

Mentions: Watch more from LA based comedian Brent Pella HERE.