You know that feeling where you are physically awake, but you pretty much feel asleep all day? That’s been me this whole gosh darn summer. Yes, you may play your tiny violin slowly now. OK, first off, who steals a shark from an aquarium? Secondly, you must see IDIOTS COMEDY TOMORROW at The Clubhouse. What do those to things have in common? My lack of sleep? Ding! Ding! Ding! This Wednesday, August 1st (ack!), curse the heat away and have a good laugh with this merry band of smile junkies:
Nicole Byer (Nailed It!)
Ian Karmel (Late Late Show)
JC Coccoli (Last Comic Standing)
Allen Strickland Williams (Conan)
Steve Hernandez (Who’s Your God?)
Brodie Reed (How to Be Broke)
Marlena Rodriguez (DARK Comedy)
Time is whizzing by so quickly you MUST fit in this comedy show before it passes you by. GO!

Mentions: Show 8pm. FREE! + drinks! The Clubhouse is located at 1607 N. Vermont Ave. Los Feliz.