All things NEW are exciting, right, (except maybe new, stiff shoes, new diseases, new space alien invasions, etc.)?! This Thursday at the former pharmacy turned bookstore in Highland Park, OWL BUREAU, J.F. Harris, Jessica Sele, and Ever Mainard are starting a revolution with their cool, NEW show made in partnership with Chandelier Creative. They are starting the impending summer off with a bang with performances from this COMEDY NIGHT motley crew of entertainers:
Nick Thune
Chris Fleming
Jamel Johnson
Kate Berlant
JF Harris
Jessica Sele
Ever Mainard
Sounds amazing, right?! The show is FREE with RSVP and the gang eagerly await your arrival.

Mentions: Show 8pm. FREE but audience members must RSVP at Owl Bureau bookstore is located at 5634 N Figueroa St at Ave 57.