Video Licks: “Make Kool Friends” with BACK TO SCHOOL

mini series

I hope you have been enjoying the BACK TO SCHOOL mini-series from comedian Steven Briggs because we sure are. Not only did he jump off a balcony to promote it, but it appears that heroic feat may not have even been necessary. The series reminds me of a hilarious cross between The Katydid Teachers TV Land series and The Grawlix’s truTV gem Those Who Can’t. In the fourth episode, we find our hopeless Mr. Grovalmon finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Could it be true he’s found a new friend in the teacher’s lounge or is it too good to be true? Enjoy MAKE KOOL FRIENDS!

This episode was written by Steven Briggs and directed by Chris Orr.

Mentions: Watch the episodes you missed HERE.