Video Licks: FRIENDO Gives Us A Bite of What Lestat The Vampire Has Been Up To in Quarantine

Just when you thought What We Do in the Shadows was the only vampire comedy you could watch in the quarantine, FRIENDO Sketch unleashes some Lestat de Lioncourt hilarity on you. In this fresh sketch, we find the “The Brat Prince” confined to his building as the word hides from an oppressive virus. So what’s a vampire to do in such a scenario? Well, the toothy predator has been snacking on his neighbors, been inconvenienced by family, texted with old girlfriends and roommates, been threatened by that Van Helsing fellow, and faced some technical challenges with elder vamps. It’s a good thing it will only take 60-75 years before he can resume normal operations. Oh, I’ve said too much. Enjoy Quarantine With A Vampire!

This sketch was written and directed by Michael Rose and features Michael Rose, Marcelina Chavira, Kelsey Goldberg, Sumner LeVeque, Andrea Listenberger, Brian Biancardi and Tyler Davidson.

Mentions: Watch more quarantine friendly content from FRIENDO HERE.