Reverse Cowboys

The fact that I had to Google the term before I watched the video probably says something about me, but that is beside the point. What I took away from several online dictionaries is that a “F-boy” is basically a person who does very dumb things. Simple enough! In the Reverse Cowboy’s About A F-boy the central character awakens to a whole new F-boy lifestyle and his wife has to take matters into her own hands. Not only will you learn that F-boy actions have dire consequences, but you’ll know exactly how to spot a F-boy in the future. Hooray! (WARNING: Very NSFW and your boss doesn’t need to learn what a F-boy is.)

This sketch was written by James McCarthy and Jared Lapidus. It stars Casey Jost, Carrie McCrossen, and Dan Hodapp.

Mentions: Watch more Reverse Cowboys hilarity HERE.