Video Licks: A Double Date Gets Très Uncomfortable On a New Episode of 5TAGES

So your partner wants to go on a double date and your less than enthused about the company. What’s a gal to do? On a new episode of Elite Daily’s 5TAGES, a double date from hell soon turns from lemons to lemonade, with a few brutal stages surpassed along the way. Enjoy The 5tages of Going On a Forced Double Date!

This video was directed by T.J. Misny (Hack into Broad City, 2015 Slamdance Kodak Director’s Prize for ‘Detritus’) and stars Jonathan Brayloc k (The Jim Gaffigan Show, The Amazing Spider-Man 2), Tallie Medel (Inside Amy Schumer, Passion Pit: Cry Like A Ghost), Dan Fox (Yahoo! Movies) and Lauren Ireland (Short Comings, The Today Show).

Mentions: What more 5TAGES at Elite Daily’s YouTube Channel.