Video Licks: TruTV’s ADAM RUINS EVERYTHING Claws at The Troubles with Pure-Bred Dogs & Feral Cats


Hey, it’s not all puppy dog tails and kitten whiskers, kids. Comic Adam Conover is no stranger to ruffling a few feathers with his truTV investigative comedy series Adam Ruins Everything. But this time the gloves are off because he involved man and woman’s best buds, canines and felines. Has Adam gone too far? Or does the truth just cut too deep when it comes to our pets? Watch as Adam discusses the comedy and tragedy of pure-bred pooches and the feral kitty population. Enjoy!

Pure-Bred Dogs Are Genetic Monsters: How the Victorian eugenics craze turned happy, healthy doggies into modern day genetic freaks

Why Going Outside is Bad for Cats: How our love of letting cats outside has created an out of control feral cat population.

Mentions: Watch Adam Ruins Everything Tuesdays 10/9C on TruTV.