Video Licks: The Notorious STEVE Gives You More Reasons to Care in “I.G.A.F.”

Are STEVE’s (aka Chris Allport) newest rhymes the antidote to rap music’s popular theme of indifference? To each their own, I say! In his latest music video I.G.A.F., short for I Give A F**k, there’s no doubt that laughter is the best medicine in a world of so many f**ks NOT given. We especially embrace refolding those tousled clothes at the retail store, loading the dishwasher, giving leeway on the freeway, picking up the doggie doo, and, of course, save those drowning insects! Enjoy this Anxious Rapper original! (WARNING: Respected strippers)

Mentions: Watch more STEVE content HERE. Steam Anxious Rapper on Spotify and iTunes.