Video Licks: It’s Not Always Easy Getting in The Right Headspace When You’re One of THE SELF-TAPERS

Canonbie Productions released their first comedy web series and it focuses on three actors as they endure the challenging profession that is acting. Each episode we find one of these brave souls recording a “self-tape” audition. We have the FIRST episode for you today where one actor tries his best to get through the lines of an ad, but keeps getting rudely interrupted with criticisms. Just wait until you find out what the ad is for. Enjoy The Self-Tapers!

This episode was created by Bang-Rae-Moreno, directed by Samuel Lawrence, and written by Peter Rae. The cast includes Helen Bang, Peter Rae, Denise Moreno and was brought to you by Canonbie Productions.

Mentions: Look for more episodes HERE and THERE.