Video Licks: “Rainwalks With Mark” Ponders A Curious Weather Association

Does it lend extra impact to this post that it’s raining right now? It does! “Future founder of Mark’s Rain-A-Day school,” Mark Edward Pryor, has blessed the world with a new video, but this time it feels a bit different. Pryor is shining light on a topic that’s gone long ignored. Why do people (most especially those in LA) have a pessimistic view of rain? The root of this question lies in a recent “rainwalk” Mark took through the Los Angeles State Historic Park. Upon observing a group of people hanging out in the rain, it dawned upon Mark that seeing such a sight is automatically associated with a funeral. WHY? Why must the simple act of gathering in wet conditions evoke thoughts of death? WHY, too, must it be weird for a man to approach a bunch of people in the rain and be amicable? The thoughts continued to plague Mark, following him to his dwelling. WHY must it take the most somber of events to get people to stroll in nature’s gifts? Is it the actual rain they dislike or is it worse, a fabrication of Hollywood? Well, kids, Mark is sticking to his pluviophile (a word I only learned today) ways. So next time you are out and about and the rain settles on your nose, DON’T blame it on the rain. (Is there REALLY a conspiracy against rain? Because my computer literally froze after typing this paragraph, gulp). Enjoy Rainwalks With Mark: On Rain & Funerals!

Mentions: Watch more hilarity from Mark HERE and THERE. ☂️ This video was created by Mark Pryor and edited by Pete Szijarto.