Video Licks: Watch The Mads’ New Short ‘MANAGING TIME’ While You Pick Up Tickets to Their Upcoming 7.13 Livestream

Time, sometimes it feels like we have plenty, and sometimes, just never enough. TODAY, however, you are right on time as the Mystery Science Theater 3000 stars known as ‘The Mads,’ Trace Beaulieu (“Dr. Clayton Forrester”) and Frank Conniff, have released a NEW SHORT, MANAGING TIME, all about that precious sequence of existence. The educational short was screened from The Mads’ April 2021 livestream A NIGHT OF SHORTS 3 and stars famed Austrian management consultant Peter Drucker.

Watch the Mads riff up a storm as this professional teaches the world’s employees just how one can make the most out of their busy day. Of course, for upper management types that would mean WAY more tee time, which we ALL know (from TV) those biznaz types can’t get enough of! If you happen enjoy this NECESSARY time sink, you’ll be pleased to know the The Mads will be delivering A NIGHT of SHORTS 4 event Tuesday, July 13 online. You’ll get more educational short entertainment, PLUS Beaulieu & Conniff will conduct a Q&A for viewers along with a very special guest to be announced shortly. Tickets are on sale now, so get ticket buying while you enjoy this timely video!

Mentions: THE MADS: A NIGHT OF SHORTS 4 tickets HERE. Time 8pm ET. The 13th online event is produced in collaboration with Dumb Industries. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will benefit The Friends in Need Food Shelf, a community-funded food shelf and 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving the residents of Cottage Grove, St. Paul Park, Newport and Grey Cloud Island in Minnesota. Watch more hilarity at The Mads Are Back YouTube channel.