Alas, the sketch comedy collective Sponsored By was unable to find the much prized, EDIBLE gift for you, their adoring fan. Instead, you will receive Inedible Arrangements in the form of brand new sketch comedy. Aren’t you thrilled? You should be! It all happens this Friday, April 28th at The Player’s Theater opening with the talented character performer Sloan Brettholtz (The Character Annex) and featuring writers/performers:
RJ Williams (NorthCoast, Baby Wants Candy)
Maayan Voss
Jax Pratt (Instant Family, Furman Theatre)
James Nash (Yellow Lines, Shakespeare on the Sound)
Jackie Kraft (StandUp NY)
Sara Katrenich (Ohio Shakespeare Festival)
Bert James (Law and Order, Performer in Netflix & Sony Pictures Content Creators Lab)
Noah Friend (Characters Welcome, BoogieManja)
Aaron Fielding (Studio C)
Maria Eleni Zollo (SNL, Carnegie Hall)
Parker Damm (Wonder Woman 1984)
Elli Caterisano
Tony Broph
and Tiffany Adams (The White Blacks)!
Don’t miss out on this most palatable event!

Mentions: Show 7pm. Tickets HERE ($15 Tickets Promo Code: sponsoredby). Location: The Player’s Theatre | 115 MacDougal Street, 3rd Floor (MacDougal & Minetta). FOLLOW the show. Feed the beast.