No one should have to ever wake up at any time before 6am. Let’s enshrine that in law. In other news, WE LOVE A THEME only requires you to show up before 7 in the evening. Come out to Pete’s Candy Store TOMORROW as host Bailey Swilley presents more enthralling storytelling. This month’s theme is COMING OF AGE. I think that requires waking up earlier. Gawd! Bringing you funny, heart-warming and cringe-y tales will be performers:
Michelle Cohn
Lauren Davis
Betsy Helmer
and Cesh Reyes!
Yay! Now go guzzle a morning caffeine drink to make it all better.

Mentions: Show 7pm ET. FREE ($5 suggested donation). 21+. Location: Pete’s Candy Store |
709 Lorimer St, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Give the show a FOLLOW. Feed the algo.