Video Licks: JOIN OR DIE with Craig Ferguson Chooses History’s Craziest Cult

Join or Die

This week Join or Die with Craig Ferguson covered the Craziest Cults. You’d think most cults are pretty out there but Craig and his panel of experts and entertainers did their best to narrow it down to those that were less organized religion based and more batsh*t insane. Watch Craig’s intro where he goes out of his way to talk about the cult they couldn’t touch. Think aliens.

Check out the entire episode with host Craig Ferguson and his guests actor/musician Jack Black, comedian Tymberlee Hill and professor Stephen Prothero debating and discussing cults, The House of Yayweh, C.P.O.L.P., the Moonies, the Rajneeshees, The Brethren, and the People’s Temple of Jonestown. NASA is not a cult, kids. (Click image to view)


Mentions: Watch Join or Die Thursdays at 11/10C on History. Check out more episodes HERE.