Video Licks: Try A New Perspective with WE ARE THOMASSE’S “Lady of the Night”

What do you think of when you hear the term Lady of the Night? Personally, I am immediately reminded of the Tennyson poem The Lady of Shalott, but I’m weird like that. Most folks would equate it with the “world’s oldest profession.” Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. However, in this new We Are Thomasse sketch The Lady of The Night‘s business venture may have taken a slight turn. Being a working girl has it’s challenges, kids. Enjoy! (WARNING: May err on the side of caution at work. Do you really want to gamble with your career?)

This We Are Thomasse sketch stars Sarah Ann Masse, Nick Afka Thomas, and Joshua Lassman. It was written and directed by Nick Afka Thomas and Sarah Ann Masse (We Are Thomasse).

Mentions: Watch more delightful sketches from We Are Thomasse on FOD & YouTube.