Video Licks: It’s All About The Memories in A NEW TRIPLETS OF KINGS COUNTY


Colin, Terry, Wolf, and Edward The Ghost are back for another absurdly funny episode of TRIPLETS OF KINGS COUNTY. It’s seems the orphan triplets are at the point of fisticuffs on this chore day. Luckily (or not so luckily), they are distracted by Edward (Brandon Gulya) who has turned their family photo album into a child’s craft project. Eeek! Will they ever be able to remember the night their parents died? Maybe some carnal errands will help them jog their memory. Did I mention a mystery neighbor (Dan Chamberlain) may hold the key to their shady past? Enjoy Episode Three NOW! (QUESTION: Do Orgy Butlers exist IRL?)

The Triplets Of Kings County was written/produced by Colin O’Brien, Terence O’Brien, and Michael Wolf. This episode features Colin, Terence, Michel, Brandon Gulya, Angela Atwood, Josh Eakright, Becky Chicoine, Matt Little, Ryan Haney, Matt Strickland, Mimi Fischer, Stefan Schuette, Sam Reece, Daniel Chamberlain, and Dan Moore.

Mentions: Watch the episodes of Triples of Kings County you missed HERE!