Video Licks: Superheroes Live in A Special Halloween Episode of Jack Dishel’s :DRYVRS ft. Seth Green

Jack Dishel

The Halloween episode of Jack Dishel’s ridesharing comedy series :DRYVRS has arrived! We find the amazing Seth Green (Robot Chicken, TMNT) taking on the role of Jack Dishel’s driver in this “powerful” new episode. When passenger Dishel notices his driver changing traffic lights with his mind, he can’t help but ask the driver about these handy superhero skills. The driver is compelled to reveal his secret powers, but divulges that they are not as awesome as they seem. Sworn to secrecy, Dishel gets a taste of these “minor powers” via a Transfer of Power. Will he be able to keep his oath to never abuse these newly acquired powers? The Mac is Back, kids. Enjoy!

This episode was created and written by Jack Dishel. It stars Dishel, Seth Green, Macaulay Culkin, and Rodney Mullen. Dishel and Kerry Harris directed the episode and production was provided by Dishel, Harris, and David Zonshine.

Mentions: Watch the episodes of :DRYVRS you missed at