Video Licks: PINK-EYE PAMMY Comes to Terms with A Family Member’s Therapy in ‘Shrinked’

Hey, is there anyone in LA who doesn’t have a therapist? I mean if you’re not spending some time supine expressing your feelings, who are you? In this new episode of the PINK-EYE PAMMY from Matt S. McCormick, we find small town bus driver Pammy trying to figure out why her daughter is seeing a therapist. All this time Pammy thought she was the good one! What gives? Enjoy Shrinked!

Mentions: Watch more Pink-Eye Pammy shenanigans HERE. If you are not following Matt on the socials you are simplye not living: Twitter & Instagram & F/B, baby! Also, catch MSM’s 90’s chat fest GO RICKI! Tomorrow 8:30pm. at PIT Underground. The topic will be “I HATE MY NEIGHBORS.” I mean, who doesn’t?