Tasty News: The Save Brian Griffin Saga Continues

Not too long ago we told you about a website that had been created to bring attention to the demise of Brian Griffin called briansannouncement.com. On said website there was a countdown clock that clicked down to December 6, which just so happens to be today’s date. Well, it appears that website was part of a larger effort to bring Family Guy‘s beloved canine character Brian back to TV. If you enter the briansannouncement URL now you are redirected HERE. On this #SAVEBRIAN website there is a letter that states:


The site has reached over 3 million hits in the past 24 hours and so far has amassed a whopping 1.5 million signatures and counting. I’m pretty certain the Family Guy creators have taken notice. Now we just wait and see what’s in store for the pooch that’s made us laugh for 12 seasons.

Mentions: My favorite hashtag associated with “Save Brian” campaign is #WhyCouldn’tItHaveBeenMeg. Hysterical!