Oh the horror, the GAS STATION HORROR, that is! This Saturday at The Peoples Improv Theater Underground Stage, one of New York’s longest-running improv shows celebrates it’s 75th show! WOW! If you’ve never been, Gas Station Horror offers up the most absurd clips from the craziest b-movies and gives carte blanche to a bunch of comedians to finish those scenes in new, funny, and creative ways. This month the show’s special guest is VH1’s Christine PiƱeiro! If you are jonesing for the biggest FREE raffle ever, amazing prizes, movie fun facts, movie theater candy, horror theme remixes, and host J.W. Crump, come have a blast at The PIT TOMORROW night!

Mentions: Show 10:30pm. Tickets HERE. The PIT Underground is located at 123 E 24th St (b/t Park & Lex), New York, NY 10010.