From the folks that parodied restaurant openings with Cafe Peanut (please don’t go into anaphylaxis with the mere mention of a nut) and brought you Medieval Now, a time-traveling parody of Medieval Times and Renaissance Fairs, comes the parody show The Personal Introspection and Doing Drugs Retreat. Lost souls, come find your true self, achieve personal enlightenment like never before, and, well, give strangers $7 bucks to make it so this very weekend. TOMORROW at BCC at The Brick, your personal Shamans/Brooklyn comedians Chase Montavon, Larry Sass-Ainsworth and Jason Weitzman will help one lucky audience “understand the most important facets of yourself: who you are (the “Me”), who you are as a person (the “Myself”) and who are You “the “I”).”
And how will this level of self-awareness be possible for someone such as yourself? What could possibly help one achieve this higher plane of otherworldly existence? Hmmm, “taking incapacitatingly strong illegal drugs?” Hey, we can’t give away all the secrets! So take a journey into Brooklyn, the new deep “virginal forests of Peru” for the ultimate retreat. If celebs can do it, so can you! GO!

Mentions: Show 11pm. Tickets HERE. The Brick is located at579 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Follow Chase on T/Ig at @chasemontavon, if you dare. Just try to follow Larry on T @larrysassFBI. Follow Jason & his CC on T @jasonweitzaman & Ig @onlypicturesofdogs. Feature image from some other show, but aren’t they a sweet bunch!