Video Licks: MATT S. McCORMICK’S “Pink-Eye Pammy” is Back with School Bus Tales

Do you remember your school bus driver? I mostly recall the field trips to places I don’t remember AT ALL! Well, MATT S. McCORMICK’s Pammy of Pink-Eye Village has seen her share of field trip excursions having been a bus driver for 34 years. Strap on your seat belts because she’s giving you the down low (get your mind out of the gutter) on what goes on behind the scenes. You know, like those trips where alpacas invade the bus, kids do gravestone rubbings and she’s totally not catching kid’s arms in the school bus door. Enjoy more of Pink-Eye Pammy in Toot Toot, Beep Beep!

Mentions: Watch more of Pink-Eye Pammy on the YouTube. Also check out Matt hosting the GO RICKI! show Wednesday, January 24th 8:30pm. at The PIT Underground! January’s Ricki topic is “Listen, Ex! Hear Me Roar…The Game is Over…And I’ll Settle the Score!” Be there!